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by Nina

Dear Peter, can you tell me what is written on this plate and make some valuation. My grand grand mother had it at her place and we don't have idea what is this.

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Sep 11, 2011
by: peter

Yes, Nina, rubbing it can make the decoration fade if it is on the glaze.

I have never seen a gray decoration like this. Its too early to talk about from when it is, it would require to verify first if it is genuine or a fake.
Close-ups might help, but they do not always remove all doubts.

Sep 11, 2011
by: Nina

I didn't get, is it 19-th century?
I can make some close-up photos... it's black decoration. no colors... maybe it was colored before ...could wet and rubbing vanish it? i guess it wasn't in a proper treatment

Sep 11, 2011
by: Nina

It's originally black decoration... and I guess it wasn't colored at all

Sep 09, 2011
by: peter

The main reason is that those plaques are using on-glaze colors, which are rubbed off over time.
But, some plaques, especially Qianjiang paintings of a certain period of time are more prone to this Fsinf than others. Some Qianjiang porcelain painters did paint with less intense colors.

But another reason is probably that chemical dyes started replacing natural (mineral) ones.
As far as I can see plaques were becoming more popular in the 19th century, at about the same time as the chemical colors did arrive. It is therefore mostly the republican period plaques that are in good condition.

Sep 09, 2011
faded plaque
by: James

Better close-up photos of the text is definitely needed to get a better reading. I have seen antique porcelain plaques before at auctions, they usually have very good color. The pictures in these photos does seem to indicate the colors have faded a lot, not sure why this happens. Maybe Peter can elaborate on the causes of color fading. Having said that, I do see some rust spots which may indicate it has some age and it is not made recently.

Sep 09, 2011
by: peter

Hi, I'm sorry but I cannot read the text. It looks all too this originally a black decoration or a polychrome decoration?

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