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Identification of chinese porcelain bud vases

by Max
(Leigh-on-Sea UK)

They are two small bud/bottle vases approximately 6-7cm tall. One is decoated with dogs of Fo, fairly crackled glaze with a six character Kangxi mark to the base (I think) I full understand there are many later kangxi copies of which this may well be.

The second vase in my opinion is more interesting. It is decorated with scenes I havet seen before, multiple figures, many semi-nude in various pose, and quite finely painted. It almost reminds me of the Hokusai Manga japanese woodblocks in style with the open line figures.
To the base, it appears to be a finely painted Yongzheng mark, but I may stand corrected.

Any information you could share with me would be greatly appreciated.

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Jul 11, 2011
by: peter

The vase with the lion is definitely old, whether it is 18th century or not would requre a hands-on inspection. The one thing I'm sure about is that the mark of a specific character is written in the style of a period item; not like those Kangxi marks of the late Qing dynasty.

The second one "boy's at play" has probably the neck cut off. This would have had a long neck, that may have been too domaged to repair.
Would need more closeups of decoration (boys), foot rim and glaze (are there crackles?), but it also appears to have quite some age, judging from these small pictures.

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