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I need to value chinese vase....

by Scott

Hello, just wondering if you can help me. Ive had a lovely little chineese vase for a few years now, ive always wanted to know its origin and price. Its around 3-4 inches in hieght, its blue and white pattern with a dragon the pops out of the design itself around the rim. Its its got a fatter bottom than the neck. It has no markings but looks old and handpainted under the glaze. I took it into the Doncaster museum around three years ago, they told me to take it to a speacialist (the museum in London). I live in Dover now, It is in a friends safe in Blackpool or i could have sent a picture. Any information at all would be fantastic, i would like to finally set my imagination at bay.

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Aug 11, 2011
by: scott

Tank you that sounds like a good start, i am actually planning to go back to Blackpool now so i can get pictures of it to upload. Thank you for your comment.

Aug 10, 2011
by: peter

I would first have it valued online here:
If they think it is valuable, then you could consider getting a formal appraisal somewhere near you, or take it to Sotheby's, Bonhams, etc. on valuation day.

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