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I have a Chinese Snuff Bottle..1723-1735 Yongzheng Period

by Helen Hammonds
(Lexington, NC, US)

The snuff bottle is 2 3/4 in x 1.5 in. White background, cobalt and lighter blue warriors. Compressed looking, not round. Any ideas as to the value? Accidental find. Excellent stopper. What type of stopper would it have had? I have seen wood, and ceramic. This is like a small, flat vase, with a narrow opening at the top. Just curious. I am so excited to have found something so old, and know what it is!

Is there some way to find a suitable replacement stopper?
And, any guess at the value?

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Feb 12, 2012
snuff bottle
by: peter

Any pictures?

You could try Ebay. There ware some.

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