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Hand-painted pottery/jar

by Lorlin

Hi there Peter, I am glad that after a long search of an expert I found you. I have this inherited item with marks unknown to me. Perhaps, its not only a thing of value but made such a very long long time ago...please need your help to describe the markings and the probable date it was made. I would appreciate it if you can provide the information I need. I am attaching the photo for your reference. Thank you so much.

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Oct 19, 2011
by: peter

No idea on my side. Are you sure it is pottery? The bright colors are often present in enamels on brass or copper base. If it is pottery clay, I have only seen similar decorations on painted Yixing wares (clay).

The mark is completely unknown. The character style seems to indicate something of the 20th century, but I couldn't tell you whether from the first or second half, I'm afraid.

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