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Hand Painted China vase with Gold Edging - No Marks

by Leslie
(jacksonville, FL USA)

Hand painted vase - maybe from Ireland???

Hand painted vase - maybe from Ireland???

I have learned that when they have no marks it could mean several things - 1. purchased in the country where it was made thus needing no marks for export or 2. that it's fairly old before marks were required by law. I have been told that it could be from the 1870's. Someone also guess because of the size and shape - it is 5 3/4 inches tall x 3 3/4" wide - that it might be holding long matches for the fireplace. My grandmother gave this to me and her parents came straight from Ireland - if this is at all helpful.

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Sep 17, 2011
by: peter

Hi Leslie,
I'm afraid we can't help with this. This is not a Chinese vase and we know little about other types of vases.
Anyway, the decoration likely is either European or Japanese. It is probably modern. The thing with the absence of the mark is applicable only to Chinese items, because most of them were shipped without before the 1880s.

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