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Guangxu mark,Wucai Dragon Phoenix Bowl identification

by Graydon Stewart
(Toronto Ontario)

Hi Peter
I recently came across this bowl and I just wanted a bit of information. The quality is incredible. Could this be imperial? Thank you very much. I love the website


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Jan 25, 2012
Guangxu period?
by: Graydon Stewart

Thank you for your responses. So would this bowl be from the guangxu period?

Jan 25, 2012
not imperial
by: James

The decoration and the seal making are not imperial grade.

Jan 25, 2012
by: peter

This type of wave decoration on a Guangxu bowl? And it looks as if the bands along the top and bottom rim were Doucai...
This makes be a bit suspicious that this was not all painted at the same time. The foot rim looks old, though. Not sure what to make of this, honestly said.

No, the quality is not sufficient for imperial ware. If you were thinking that because of the five claws, the rules regarding their use were largely ineffective from the late 19th century.

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