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Gdad vase

by Alan
(Maidenhead, UK)

This vase originally belonged to my Grandfather who was a marconi (radio) operator for a shipping line. I know he visited China, Singapre and Hong Kong during his voyages, but have no idea where this was acquired or whether it was new at the time. The vase is 24 inches tall, is badly crazed and unfortunately has damage to some of the embelishments around the lip. Any help would be appreciated.

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Jan 08, 2012
by: peter

I cannot see any major damage in the pictures. But, it is difficult to tell if the blue color is printed or handpainted. The subject (cranes) is not typical Chinese, although it appears on some ceramics. It is more common on Japanese porcelain.

The crazing is not damage but part of the decoration.
This is a Chinese Fangge vase. These are fired to develop crackling artificially in the kiln. So, with this vase it is a part of the original decoration. Otherwise all looks like the typical late Qing/early 20th century Fangge wares, including the mark used.

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