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fo dog

by Dustin
(Abbotsford BC Canada)

Hey guys, I love the shi shi, or fo dogs. I picked up this one at a thrift store for ten bucks, love it, got to lookin at it and started wondering if it has any other value to it. I looked up markings, backstamps or whatnot, and couldn't find anything that even shared similar markings. I know nothing of authenticity regarding something like this. I've uploaded some pictures, can anyone tell me if I have something from a market stand or something that actually goes back a bit? Its definitively hand painted, it has quite the texture to it. It also has some gold leaf or something on it as well as gold paint. Not expecting any fortune here, just thought someone could scratch this itch for me. Thanks!!

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Oct 17, 2011
foo dog
by: peter

Hi, the painted decoration itself looks more Japanese to me. It could be, however, that it was made in China, imitating a Japanese style.
The backstamp contains at least one Japanese character, but the others are difficult to read. It looks as if they were scratched by someone who didn't know much Japanese, carelessly.
Usually, Japanese stamps (seals) are much more carefully executed.
The overall impression is that the item tries to be Japanese but was made elsewhere.

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