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floral bowl

by Cecelia Valverde
(Gilbert Az.)

Hi peter
I found this bowl at my local goodwill store and was wondering what it's origin it's is the reason I thought of sending it to you is because of the pattern on the bottom the 2 rings right above the foot of the bowl I don't know what you call the blue pattern right above the 2 rings. I appreciate you expertise.Again Thanks for your input.
Cecelia Valverde

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Oct 31, 2011
Japanese Tea Cup
by: Tim

This is a late version of Japanese Imari that was first produced in around 1700 for the European market. The original palette consisted of underglaze cobalt blue, iron red, and gilding. Then other colours were created/added to the wares as the century progressed. Enamel colours like green and aubergine among them.
Judging by the sloppy painting I'd say this cup was made at the very end of the Meiji period or later.

Oct 30, 2011
floral bowl
by: peter

Hi Cecelia,
This is not a Chinese pattern, at least not a traditional one. I cannot quite see what it is. The blue colored parts look as if they were printed. As such they would have to be either Japanese or modern Chinese, I think.

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