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Detailed pictures of plate

by jacqueline
(halifax. west yorkshire. uk)

Hi peter & james i have taken more detailed pics of plate. on close inspection i can see tiny particles of dirt under the glaze. as you can see in a pic. Looking closely at the donkeys head at a glance it appears to have 2 heads. look again and you see 1. i find this rather bizarre. Does anybody else see this ? its almost like an optical illustion. Iam also very curious about the unusual almost bevelled shape of the plate as i have taken a good pic on one of my recent posts. Why wasent it disguarded/rejected and thrown away ?. Or was it commom practice to have miss shapen plates ?. its obvious this happend during the firing process. i havent seen another example of this. does this make the plate unique. Or just poor quality ?. I would appreciate any bodys opinion regarding this, The foot rim has glaze up to the rim. then stops. again on the inner side. no glaze on the rim its self. James glad you pointed out that the leaves {as i desribed} are actally Bats. yes of cource they are. Hope some body can help with all my questions. Thank you jackie.

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Dec 16, 2011
civilian kiln
by: James

Hi Jacqueline,

I do see the 2 heads on the small picture, but it is less noticeable with the larger picture. I think this optical illusion is accidental and not intended.

This misshapen plate with dirt embedded under the glaze indicate a low quality standard, which mean it is not from the imperial kiln. Uncovered imperial kiln debris shows many items smashed up that nowadays would be considered perfectly good items, but it did not meet their stringent quality standards back then.

Civilian kilns would have much lower standards, of course. And due to cost, even if they can sell a poorly made item for anything at all would help recuperating their cost.

Peter is good at dating these items. I think this item could be from late Qing at best, if not later.

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