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Decorated Bowl Help to further my research

by Emma

Bottom Mark

Bottom Mark

A 21cm bowl decorated with two Mandarin ducks and lotus flower. I have tried to research the seal mark on-line but no luck so far. The surface is crackled but part of the decoration covers it as if it has been painted on over the original glaze. I have no idea of its age or origins so any information on it will be very much appreciated so that I can further my research on it. It was given to my mother in law who was born 1925 by her mother.

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Jul 27, 2011
Thank you Peter
by: Emma

I have been told that apparently the image of the mark is upside down and it reads "ming zhi". I have researched this on-line but have not found anything in reference to ming zhi. With this in mind I can only presume that this bowl is not a desirable collectable.

Jul 25, 2011
by: peter

Hi, I can't tell you much except that it looks Japanese, possibly Satsuma ware, or imitation thereof.
I cannot read the mark.

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