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Crackled Glazed?

by Jen

Dear Peter,
I picked up two items at my first estate sale. I am definitely a novice who needs help. I will post the two items separately. This one I think is called crackled glazed porcelain. I am not even sure how you describe the shape. Your help is appreciated. Thank You, Jen

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Oct 18, 2011
item with crackled glaze
by: peter

Hi Jen,

Basically, the pictures are a bit too small to tell much, but here is what I see:
- The decoration is modern (birds are painted in western style, not Chinese traditional)
- The Chinese of the mark says "Huarong Tang Zhi" (Made by Huarong Hall), a manufacturer's mark. I cannot read the English below that, as it is blurred.
- The characters under the foot "fang gu" can be translated as "antique imitation", which in itself clarifies that it is not antique.
The crackling is created, so it does not necessarily mean this is very old.
If possible, I would avoid such items. They may look nice but have little collecting value. You have to wait too long until they are antique... :-)

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