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Coral Orange Japanese/Chinese holder

by C

This is a very small bowl with lid. It has 2 dragons facing each other with what looks like a small child on each of them. There are symbols written in gold on the bowl and the lid. There are alot of markings on the bottom but can not translate. Any help would be appreciated.

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Nov 30, 2011
by: peter

I'm afraid I cannot help with an appraiser. You will have to contact the appraiser's association in your area. But, I won't recommend hiring an appraiser for this. The cost might exceed the item's value.

The claws are not of any use for determining value, etc. in such an item. Five claws have been used on common items decades before this one was made. Claw numbers were only important during certain periods, but not the late Qing dynasty and republican period.

Looking at the pictures there is something that puzzles me. Are these two items?
The foot rim with the mark can nowhere be seen in the sideview. The sideview shows an item that seems to be round at the bottom. If it is what I think, then there should be two lugs at the side. The shape and round bottom looks exactly like a bird feeder.
Such items usually don't have lids. So, if you got it with the lid, it is possible that the lid was added at a later time and belonged originally to a different item.

Nov 29, 2011
by: C

Peter. The dragons are hand painted in black/gray paint or enamel. Not to sure which one. After looking at it closer there are no children on the dragons. It is just their manes. Please direct me to an appraiser or someone who may have more information. I have been searching for a week now and am getting nowhere. Thank you again for your time and help

Nov 29, 2011
by: peter

Value of such items is relatively is relatively low.
Is the dragon in gilt or black? It could be printed if black.

Nov 29, 2011
by: C

Do you believe there is a vlaue to this piece? And thank you for your insight. It is very much appreciated.

Nov 29, 2011
Chinese jar
by: peter

This is what is called a coral red lidded jar. One of the characters on the lid seems to indicate that it was used for tea (leaves).
Basically, this sort of item was made since the late Qing dynasty. The mark however means it was probably early republican period, made in Shanghai.

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