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Coffee pots

by Irina

Coffee pots

Coffee pots

Dear peter, what is your opinion about this pair of coffee pots. I think it's a fake. I found no cracks and dark spots that may indicate the age, design is also in doubt for them. Inside there is no glaze, I would not drink coffee from a pot like this. Thank you)))

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Jan 28, 2012
coffee pots
by: peter

Hi Irina,
The pots have Yuan dynasty decoration and Yuan dynasty items usually do not have a glazed bottom. But the bottom (the inside, not the foot rim) looks new to me.
The decoration as well as the white glaze and blue color look very intriguing. If they were genuine these pots they would have a very high value. Better ask for a second opinion. And, please understand that not every collector or appraiser may understand Yuan wares. They are rare and not fully reasearched yet.

The shape of the pots poses also a question. Did it exist in the Yuan dynasty? But, I would not discount it straight away because of the exports to the Middle East, where this shape probably was more common.

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