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coffee cup unexplained

by meggie

this is the hand painting on cup

this is the hand painting on cup

OK.. so found this great art piece,,, cup but to me i love the colors and art work on it. There is a marking on bottom of it that is not found anywhere nor the cup. I am at all ends on this search... can anyone identify?

also have a statue that am not sure if fake or what. I am new to this and have started a small collection. Im not sure if it is a manufactoring stamp or what. UURRGGHHHHH

If you can help that would be awesome.

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Jul 01, 2011
Thanks... Your awesome
by: Meggie

Thank so much for such a fast response. I'm still up online looking at things. It's addicting. Well my mom said they used those statues for drug smuggling because the arm comes out and u can hide things. Pretty interesting. As to my cup... I love it. The colors are beautiful. I enjoy just looking at it. I do have one more piece. It's a trunk or a treasure chest. Simple... But after reviewing it over and over i noticed on the latch I's a eagle with a person riding it backwards holding a flag. I read some things about vitanem and have learned a lot from articles but all lead no where to the latch. Going to send u a pic and maybe u can direct me I'n right way. Thanks so much again and ur site I's wonderfully amazing.

Jul 01, 2011
cup and figure
by: peter

I'm afraid I can't help much with these.

As the mark says "Japan" so it is from there, likely, made for export. I cannot help with Japanese items, though.

The other is a Guanyin figure. These are still being made. The red marking was added later, you could ignore it. These figures never have marks on the bottom. They have impressed marks on the back, if any.
Can't tell you if it is Japanese or Chinese, but Chinese mostly have the whole bottom open, while the Japanese ones have a small hole in the center. With yours the hole is too big for the latter and too small for the former. Anyway, most of these figures are still being made, and it is very difficult telling their age.

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