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clay tea pot

by Roger

I have been unable to find any information on the markings on this miniature tea pot, 8.5 cvm long X4.5 cm high. Any hints or help will be greatly appreciated

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Nov 27, 2011
Clay Teapot
by: Roger

Thanks, Peter. I'm curious about the markings and chop and will continue my search.

Nov 25, 2011
Yixing teapot
by: peter

What you have is an Yixing teapot made of Zisha clay. The mark on the bottom is the manufacturer's mark. Apart from that the marks are not very clear.

Zisha wares are generally the field of special collectors who are collecting tea wares. Zisha teapots have a different way of identification and need to know the maker or artisan to identify its age. This needs special data for identifying the corresponding marks.

It is recommended that you try collectors of tea wares for the information you need on this pot.

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