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Chinese Yellow crackled glaze Vase Question

by dimitar
(Colorado US)

Hello I will appreciate any information regarding this beautiful vase. Unfortunately it is unmarked but I am almost sure that it is Chinese. It is yellow in color, hand painted and decorated with white and brown enamel. here are some pictures. Thanks in advance! Regards!

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Nov 07, 2011
Chinese Yellow crackled glaze Vase Question
by: Dimitar

Thank you Peter, I think you are absolutely right about the glaze - looks little bit strange!You are probably right about the rest too!

Nov 07, 2011
by: peter

The yellow color was also used in the past, but looked a bit different. This would be closer to what is called lemon yellow, in Chinese. However, the gloss of the glaze is too strong for an ancient glaze.
The enamels are unusual for Chinese, and the decoration method of plants in the snow is rare, at least in traditional art. I know only of one Chinese porcelain painter known for winter landscapes, but this does't look like one of these.

The plants are painted very realistic. This in itself is something that did not begin in Chinese art until later in the 20th century. With Japanese, it is possible earlier, I think.
What I mean is that this type of artistic expression would be something more modern, in Chinese porcelain art.

Nov 07, 2011
Chinese Yellow crackled glaze Vase Question
by: Dimitar

Thank you for your opinion Peter! Do you mean the golden line at the base? How old it could be if it is a Japanese or have you seen something similar?
All the best! Dimitar

Nov 07, 2011
by: peter

If this is Chinese, then it must be recently made. The colors used and the foot rim are nothing traditional.
There is a good chance that it could be Japanese, however.

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