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Chinese / willow pattern teapot

by Erin
(Staffordshire, UK)

My neighbour has asked me to find out about this teapot which has been in the family 70+ years.
I don't know about these things but I can tell it is very old - but is it Chinese, British or what, as it is unmarked.
Brief description - "willow type" pattern (pagodas, bridge, boats). Strap-like handles, strange spout (last inch is narrower that the main spout with a definite ridge!)and the lid has a small air hole / vent and what looks like a speckled mushroom or octopus to lift off the lid.
Because of the rougness of the edges of the handles and the few "chips" along the edge of the pot, I think it has a metal content. Any ideas what the material is?

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Feb 22, 2012
Chinese / Willow pattern
by: Erin

Um . . . not sure what you mean about "put more photos on the web" . . don't think you mean this site.
However, my plan is to try to take better photos today and add them to this forum (under the same Comment name) in 1 or 2 more 'Comments' - only way I think I can do it!!
Many thanks for contacting me and trying to assist me. Hope I can do better . . . !

Yes, you are right. I meant putting pictures on a site like Photobucket or Flickr, or any other website. These usually allow for larger images with high resolution.

Feb 21, 2012
by: peter

Would need better pictures for evaluation.
What is needed are pictures done in daylight, near a window, to allow for natural colors. A picture of the bottom, showing also the foot rim in detail is a must.
Closeup pictures showing details help checking the painting style.

You can upload the pictures with more than one submission or put them on the web and post the link(s).
Is there only one hole where the spout is attached, or are there several smaller ones?

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