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chinese vase with top

by maria

I am posting picture of the bottom pictures of the urn vase whatever you want to call it wonder if anyone knows its origin they are older I do know that.

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Oct 28, 2011
Fangge temple jar
by: maria

I will send you better pictures but I can tell you the approximate age as it belonged to my grandmother and she passed in 1963 so could be at least 50 years old. I am excited just to know something about this temple jar!!!

Oct 27, 2011
temple jar
by: peter

This is a Fangge temple jar with warrior decoration. Fangge items are fired to develop crackling. They are still made today.

To verify whether yours is early 20th century or later, close-up pictures (not blurred like the mark) would be required of the decoration.
Partial shots showing face details, also the brown band and foot rim, plus bottom.

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