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Chinese vase with lid.

by Ted Butler
(East Amherst, NY USA)

Chinese character symbols

Chinese character symbols

Good day!
Would you kindly offer some advice/information regarding the photos attached of a Chinese hand painted vase that was passed on to my Grandmother in the early 1900's.

The dimensions are as follows: height (with lid) 10.25" in height by 5.25" at its widest circumference.

Please examine the attached photos so that you might provide your expert opinion as to origin, time era and possible value.

With much appreciation, I remain very truly yours,
Ted Butler
East Amherst, NY USA

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Jun 07, 2011
by: peter

All of this vase gives the impression of European style, there are no Chinese elements.
The mark could be Japanese, as Japanese makers are know to have started imitating western style items early.
I would try, as they have some forum members knowledgable in Japanese ceramics.

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