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Chinese Statues

by Jeff

I have two large Chinese statues. They both have marks on the base. I have uploaded pics to Flickr. Please see attached link.

I would appreciate any thoughts on them. Are the old?

Many thanks in advance.


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Jun 09, 2011
blue and white figurines
by: peter

Hi Jeff,
The first mark is "Fujian Huiguan", a well known mark found on republic period porcelain.

I am not sure about the second mark, but it also contains "Fujian Huiguan", and more text which I cannot read. The face of that figurine is too realistically depicted to be very old. I would guess this to be from the second half of 20th century.
On one of the photographs it looks as if at least one of the dragons could be printed. Is there any printing? You can check with a magnifier.
If you use a magnifier you usually see brush strokes with different density of blue, if hand painted.

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