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Chinese rice/soup bowl set

by Karleah

This is one of a set of 5 that I picked up at an estate sale. The only mark I could figure out is the "longevity" on the spoon. It all seems to be hand painted because all the writing differs on every piece. I have done allot of searching and can't find this set anywhere on the internet or books. I would really like to know where it comes from,if it's old, or just anything about it.

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Sep 02, 2011
by: Karleah

Thank you both for the info... I'm so glad I found this site! I have learned a lot! I'm also very happy to find out my bowl set is worth something, considering I only paid 3 bucks for it!

Aug 31, 2011
newer decoration (by James?)
by: Anonymous

Your set is as Peter stated early 20th century, mass produced, stamped seal. The Yongzheng 'famille rose' mille-fleurs you referred to, if is of the period, is worth many thousands of dollars. Your set is worth a few hundred USD (at best) in auction. The decoration motif is relatively common in recent decades. It is not "old" nor rare I would say.

Aug 30, 2011
by: peter

Hi again,
Yes, that seems to be an 18th century period item, and it looks as if it were imperial porcelain too.
There are a couple of variations, but generally, before the 20th century this type of porcelain was comparatively rare.
Yours is a later variation.

Aug 30, 2011
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Hi and thanks again for taking the time to give me this information. I have to say that before I bought this set I knew nothing about Chinese antiques. It really sparked an interest in me. I'm more of a pottery collector. So needless to say, this is all very new to me. And I have become fascinated with with the many different styles, types, periods etc.. Could you tell me if this is something even comparable to what I have or if I'm way off?

Aug 25, 2011
by: peter

Hi, if it were mine I would hang on to it. Handpainted porcelain can only increase in value (collecting or other) over time. Nothing for the kids to break, in my view. :-)

The mark says "Minnan Gongsi" (Minnan company), the name of which likely makes it from Fujian province, opposite Taiwan.
Chinese internet sources mention it as a porcelain manufacturer of the republican period. With mainland Chinese this usually means sometimes in the first half of the 20th century. So, this would be at least vintage and should have collecting value.

Aug 25, 2011
Thank you...
by: Karleah

Thanks for the info. I did find some similar items like a single bowl, plate, or vase. I did not find any sets like this one or anything with the same markings, which leads me to believe it is either rare or not worth the time to put it on the interwebs..Do you think it is something I should hang on to or let my kids play "tea party" with? Your advice means allot to me.

Aug 24, 2011
porcelain set
by: peter

The item has a factory logo. That and the decoration itself point to a manufacturing time the first or second quarter of the 20th century.
If you are looking for "millefiori" or "mille fleur" decorations with a Google image search, you might find similar items.

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