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Chinese pocelain

by Ping
(Milton Keynes)

I would like to get the information about Chinese plate. The plate is about 41.50cms and stamped on the back as show on the picture.

Could anyone help me to identify the date and give me an idea how much to pay for this.


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Oct 08, 2011
Many thanks
by: Ping

Dear Peter,

I just want to say thank you very much for all your kind. If I don't know this website I may lost my money to pay for this plate.


Oct 05, 2011
porcelain plate
by: peter

Apparently the painter of this plate has been looking at some Chinese designs, but he/she didn't get the decoration elements quite right.

The crackling look artificial.
The writer of the mark did not know Chinese writing.
The first character is completely illegible, while the second character shows that the writer does not understand the order of strokes in Chinese writing.
I assume this is an imitation from SE Asia or elsewhere.

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