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chinese painting

by mona
(beirut lebanon)

Hi Peter,
I know these are not ceramics. Can you help me to put an age on these very finely painted figures on very fine paper (rice paper) there are 3 panels. Maybe you would kindly gear me towards a site which can give me more insight on these very old paintings. Thank you very much for your kind reply. Best. Mona

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Aug 02, 2011
chinese painting
by: mona

Hi Peter, I know this is not your specialty. I was hoping you could give me an age from the clothes they are wearing. and in one corner. there is a little red stamp (or writing) which looks like two owls....Any info you can provide me would be much appreciated.Best. Mona

Jul 29, 2011
by: peter

Hi Mona,
I'm afraid I cannot help with this. This is a completely different specialty. You need someone specialized in Chinese art.

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