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Chinese export teapot ??

by Mark
(Rutland, Vt, USA)

I found this teapot in an older home in Vermont. It seems to be of exceptional quality. The crab finial on the lid is fantastic. Need help identifying? period? Canton? Thanks

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Mar 12, 2012
by: Peter Sanders

The double-strap handle would seem to date your teapot to 1820 or so. The pattern is known as Canton(two conical blue mountains,a willow tree beside a pavilion in the middle ground,a bridge in the foreground, and a "rain and clouds" border next to the rim).

Teapots like this were found on the 1817 wreck of the "Diana"(lot 318 and 319 sold by Christies in Amsterdam March 1995) and you will find a smiliar teapot illustrated on p191 of "Chinese Export Porcelain" by the Schiffer family. This type of porcelain was not being copied in Europe in the 19th century, and I believe it was not in general copied until some was produced in the USA late in the 20th century, and that carries modern makers marks. PS

Aug 23, 2011
by: peter

Yes, would probably be Canton ware, but I have the impression that it is possibly not Chinese at all, only made to look that way. (You didn't upload a picture of the bottom and closeups of some details to verify that.)

The way the blue bands on the top side and the lid are painted looks a bit too simple for Chinese work.
Was the spout repaired? It looks also somewhat strange; too straight and unusually long. The pot could as well be a more recent item, judging from these discrepancies.
If there is a single large hole where the spout is attached, it could be older, but if there are several smaller holes to retain the tea leaves, then it is likely newer.

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