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Chinese Dish - Wondering Authenticity and Value

by Michael
(Toronto, Ontario Canada)



I've had this dish for a few years and it finally took a tumble for the worst. Its approximately 7" in diameter with a definitive mark on the bottom. Someone suggested that it may be worth something therefore making me contemplate whether to repair it or not. Kindly identify value or worth and approximately repair cost if you're able to. Thank You.

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Nov 03, 2011
chinese dish
by: peter

Value is relative to many factors, thus we do not talk about these. Please see link to "Value of Antiques" on the left. If a restorer s too expensive, you could consider preserving the shards for later or sticking them yourself. Ask a restorer for a quote. With good pictures they should be able to give you a price online. If not shards are missing and no fillings are required, it shouldn't be too expensive.

If you do a Google search for "bird buttterfly export celadon" you will see many similar items.
This should be early 19th century, with a Jiaqing reign mark. You should also be able to check Ebay prices.

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