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chinese brown jug?

by Elia
(Etrembières, France)

First I want to thank you for this wonderful website. It's of great help to me and I find it very interesting.
I am kind of hoping that someone could help me identifying this jug I stumbles upon. It's a piece of pottery much likely to be a jug and it has three flat round handles which are compatible with the chinese characters "double happiness". It looks rather old actually but I can't find any other model which looks alike. Any help is welcome!
Greetings from France,

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Jun 24, 2011
Thank you
by: Elia

Thank you for the information. I was indeed rather sceptic not finding anything alike. But at least it stays a pretty object without any need for an insurance ;-). Greetings, Elia

Jun 23, 2011
by: peter

I don't whether this was made in China or not, but it has not any Chinese or Asian traits that I could recognize.
To me this looks more like a modern piece of studio pottery.

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