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Chinese Blue and white porcelain plate

by dimitar
(Denver )

Hello I was wondering if anyone of you can recognize this marking on a handpainted blue and white porcelain plate or if possible date it! I really appreciate your help!

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Jun 30, 2011
by: peter

Hi, I had a look at the pictures and it still looks Japanese.
The mark is written in a very shoddy manner. I don't know what to think about that, but it confirms that it is only for decoration.

Jun 30, 2011
Chinese Plate
by: Dimitar

Hello and thanks for your fast reply and expertise! As you can imagine the first thing I did is to google Chenghua and look for a similar mark and the ones from that period look slightly different. I will post some direct links to Photobucket pictures so you can see it better. All I can see is that is all hand painted, the glaze looks thick and porous. Also there are few brownish rusty spots under the gleze that look like defects. Could it really be that old? Here are the pictures:

Thanks in advance!

Jun 29, 2011
by: peter

This probably is also Japanese. Although the details aren't visible in these pictures, the shape and decorative design is atypical for Chinese porcelain, but would be perfectly normal with Japanese items.
There is a Chenghua mark at the bottom, but it should be spurious. Older Japanese porcelains often have copies of Chinese marks.

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