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Chenghua or Chung King?

by Jan Collins
(Terrebonne, Or)

botttom of vase

botttom of vase

Hi Peter,
This was from an estate sale. It looks suspicious to us based on it's appearance and your answers to other inquiries, but before we dismiss it, maybe you could give us your opinion?


Jan Collins

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Jan 01, 2012
Thank you for your response!
by: Jan Collins

Thank you so much for your quick response! We'll look into it a little more, but I guess it means I have to keep my job:) We actually have a few more pieces that appear more authentic in nature. We don't have anyone who knows much about Asian vintage/antiques in Central Oregon, so we really appreciate your taking the time and giving us the benefit of your expertise!


Jan Collins

Jan 01, 2012
by: peter

I'm afraid you are right, it doesn't look Chinese at all. The foot itself alo seems quite impossible for the Ming dynasty.

I couldn't completely dismiss the possibility of Japanese porcelain, though. I don't know enough about that. It is only the the colors and especially the view from the top of the lid give somewhat the impression of Japanese porcelain.
Some Ming marks were copied by the Japanese, so the mark means nothing in view to authenticity. Better check that before you discard it. :-)
If it is not Japanese, then it is likely recently made.

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