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celadon plate

by Stan
(Milwaukie OR.)

Hi Peter, a friend of mine dose not have a computer and I told him about your web site I took some photos of a plate that he has, he has a set of 6, the pictures did not come out that good, it was at night when I took the pictures, He seemed to think they were old, I informed him that they could only be vintage at the most, could you tell me what the writing is on the back and could you tell from these photo's how old they might be, I do not see any age signs what so ever but he insisted that they are old, Thank you for your help, from Stan.

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Jul 27, 2011
by: peter

Hi Stan,
You are quite right. I think this is modern, possibly not even handmade.
The mark is a spurious Longquan mark, made for decoration only. Usually, marks should read top down, right to left, but this one is left to right.
Longquan kilns stopped production in the Ming dynasty, so anything produced in the Qing dynasty or later would be quite dissimilar.

But this one looks as if it were factory produced in the last few decades, at the most.

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