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brass rice bowl stamped..china

an artist friend died and we inherited all her boxes and boxes of the one box is a fairly big solid brass rice bowl stamped china and has lots of symbols inside the bowl and all around the outside..dragons and all kinds of symbols..wonder where l can find out more about this bowl my girlfriend wants to just throw it out...along with boxes of other stuff she is overwhelmed with all stuff or junk she calls it..

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Feb 07, 2012
by: peter

The saying "one man's trash is another man's treasure" probably comes from the fact that many valuable items are going to the rubbish heap, because the person getting rid of it did not understand their value.

I would check at least a number of items to clarify if they are antiques or not. If there are some, you might call someone in who has experience with Asian antiques, for an appraisal. In any event, you could consider a thrift store or flea market vendor for taking them, rather then tossing them into the trash.

You could upload a couple ceramics to the blog for evaluation. Handpainted ones are usually better. However, we cannot help with non-ceramic items.
You could also upload some to They can check brass or other items too, but do not always answer.

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