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by Julie

some type of Immortal bowl with birds and dragon and hous e like markings underneath.. don't know what it is heeeelllppp

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Aug 31, 2011
maybe Japanese
by: James

I agree with peter. This pair does not look Chinese in origin. On of the seal is a Chinese nine and some other marking below it and the other is not legible. If they are a pair then the seal marks should be identical in most cases. It has a feel of Japanese style to me. Not sure of age honestly.

Aug 28, 2011
by: julie

The lady who had it died at the age of 80 and someone got this from her estate sale. the story was that her and her husband traveled all through out China and Hong Kong- Japan...and they would buy chinese ceramics .. I thought for sure it was old. Thank youuuu for the help

Aug 28, 2011
by: peter

Hi, the pictures all appear blurred when viewed, except the thumbnails.
Anyway, from the red color and the details (faces, etc.) visible in the picture on the right side, this looks as a recent product. Very recent, I would think, probably not even vintage.

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