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bowl with three Chinese or Japanes figure

by Simon Rippon
(Lodon SW15 1LE UK)

One picture

One picture

Please can anybody identify a four and a half inch diameter bowl with three Chinese or Japanese figures around it. It was bought at a sale by my mother who liked it a lot but had no idea whether it was old or modern. I am interested to know what the figure are doing.

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Nov 15, 2012
Bowl with figures
by: Simon Rippon

Transfer you photo if you can to a computer then save as an npt file -- I think.
I am interested to know if the bowl is modern or antique. My mother bought it at a sale but did not know its origin.
Simon Rippon

Nov 14, 2012
I have a similar item
by: Katalina

Dear friends!
I have a similar item a bowl with an old chinese man, similar colours. My bowl is signed. How can I send photos?
Best Katalina

(by admin)
Upload images with a new submission, mentioning this post. Or better, upload pictures to a free image site like Photobucket, then post the link here using another comment.

Jan 16, 2012
by: peter

It is difficult to tell whether it is Japanese or Chinese. The man seems to have traditional Japanese hair, while the child's looks more Chinese.
What they are doing I do not know, but this could be a type of brush washer.

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