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Blue vase

by John

Hi Peter

Can you tell me something about this vase,Can this vase be old or is it new ?
If the pictures are too small there are also on photobucket.

Thanks in advance

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Aug 15, 2011
blue vase
by: peter

If this were authentic it would have to be Ming or earlier.
Here again, what I said about monochromes in your other post is valid.
In addition to that I would like to mention that shape and decoration, etc. are typical for Song/Yuan wares. However, the foot rim as far as I can see in the pictures may be "younger". (My guess.)
The rim doesn't have the age signs most rims of those periods have, but sometimes it is difficult to tell from photographs.

I cannot tell you more about this one than that. As wares of those periods also were copied later, it may be a matter of when it was made. The foot rim seems to exclude Qing.
Just hang on to it. I would definitely need a hands-on inspection to say more. Many such items turn out differently, if they are actually seen before one's eyes. Try to get an experienced collector of pre-Ming wares to check it in person, if you have the opportunity.

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