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Authentication and evaluation of age of Chinese porcelain statues and vase

by Rekha Sharma
(848/29, FBD, Haryana, India)

Hi, I have these Chinese porcelain statues and vases for over 50 years now, they are a part of our home decor, got during the Vietnam war by my father in law who was a peacekeeper. He was told by the refugees who sold them that they are of the Ming dynasty, i was wondering for many year about the verity of this fact. I will be very grateful if someone can help me out to settle my doubts, thankfully,
Rekha Sharma.
P.S . I have uploaded the images, thanks.

Comments for Authentication and evaluation of age of Chinese porcelain statues and vase

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May 22, 2011
by: Peter

This specific vase looks more like a 20th century product to me.
The picture is too small to say much, but from the decoration style and foot shape it is either 20th century or not Chinese, in my view. Could be Japanese also.

If you want us to check further, I would recommend you upload larger pictures with good resolution to Photobucket or a similar site, and post the link here.
Details of the bottom, mouth (just inside the top rim) and of the decoration should be visible. If there are any spots or blemishes, they can only help.

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