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Antique Chinese Bowl

by Donna

Bowl has etched softly colored floral design on porcelain with a dragon and a bird draped around the top edge. Bowl measures 5.25 inches by 3.25 inches, with no damage, and a few iron spots inside. Chinese writing, and remnants of "China" are on the bottom. Please see photos and let me know if you have any info on such a piece. Thank you.

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Oct 10, 2011
Millefiori bowl
by: peter

Hi Donna,
An overall picture and shots in natural light would be useful to see the shape and colors properly, which usually are important for evaluation.

From these pictures you have a bowl with Millefiori (Mille Fleur) decoration.
There are two marks, A stamped Qianlong mark which is spurious, and a CHINA mark. These indicate that your item probably is from the early republican period, but likely not later than the 1920s.
That is based on these pictures.

I would try to find similar items with a Google image search for "chinese millefiori" or "chinee mille fleur" porcelain.

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