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18th C. Chinese Blue and White Ginger Jar Help

by Julie
(Springvale, Maine)

Hello....I purchased this awhile ago and just wanted to confirm or unconfirm what they told me. I was told this is a 18th Century Blue and White Chinese Ginger Jar. There are no markings on the bottom. It has a wonderful blue and white design of a flower with scrolling and lines on the bottom. I was wondering if anyone can tell me if first, this is actually a 18th C Chinese ginger jar, can you identify the name of the design detail, is it ok that there is no markings on the bottom, and of course, estimate on value without the cover. If anyone can give me some insight, I would appreciate it...thank you. J

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Aug 17, 2011
by: peter

Hi, the age could be about right, I think.
We do not talk about values here, because that is relative to many things:

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