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Large Chinese Urn

by Amy
(Savannah, GA)



Hello - I would like to get whatever information possible about this ceramic Chinese urn. It belonged to my grandfather.

An appraiser 15 years ago described it as ceramic with a high quality glaze, no crackling, buff undercolor, blue turquoise decalamania. Motif showing imperial cranes (3) - two are mirror pairs, left to right, other single, probably referring to husband and wife, departed, and single family member, departed, into middle kingdom. Typical lotus blossoms throughout, bamboo shoots and floral growth.

It is 24" high with an 11" diameter and a lip top. Weighs about 30 pounds. It has no marks. The appraiser said it was probably a product of old Shanghai potters, not made for export, but rather for internal use.

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Aug 16, 2011
by: peter

Hi Amy,
With the age the appraiser mentioned then, that would make them late Qing dynasty... I don't think so!
Some parts of the decoration either are much later, or they are not Chinese. But, there is a possibility that it is Japanese rather than Chinese.
The bottom looks indeed old, but the decoration elements don't fit traditional Chinese decorations of the early 20th century.

Unfortunately, I can't say I know enough of Japanese porcelain to be sure if it is Japanese. They copied parts orwhole decorations of Chinese porcelain at times, but otherwise have a different style.
Maybe you could try to find out if it is Japanese.

Aug 15, 2011
by: Amy

The appraiser, in 1996, estimated the vase to be 85-110 years old - early 1900s.

Aug 15, 2011
Chinese vase
by: peter

Well, there is no way to give a more detailed description. But, appraisers usually, have to estimate age. What did he/she say about that?

If he mentioned the second half of the 20th century, it would probably be right. Not an antique, probably, but could be vintage.

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