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Chinese Porcelain Bowl

by Bob Brown

Hi. My wife has this Chinese porcelain bowl - and she's wondering whether its old and worth collecting. Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions btw.

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Jun 14, 2014
China from Hong Kong
by: Marietta McDaniel

I purchased a set of china in Hong Kong during the 1980s that is this pattern (except the background of my china is white). What is the name of this pattern? I want to research what my set is worth. Thanks.

Feb 11, 2012
Thanks Peter
by: Bob Brown

Yes, it was a piece that was purchased in the 1960s or maybe 50s. It is a very pretty bowl and whether its valuable or not is actually rather immaterial. I told her to keep it - its an orphan piece - since it looks so nice.

Feb 09, 2012
by: peter

The value of such items may only be in their hand painting. Can be vintage, but not antique.
Such items were all made in the second half of the 20th century, 60s or later, but I cannot tell you exactly when. Could as well be from the last few decades.

This mark can only be from the period described, as China is written in simplified characters, which only came into actual use in the 60s.

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